
For well over sixty years he was the largest employer in the southern Leipzig area. the opencast mine in the Leipziger Land.Until the end of 1998, the miners extracted up to twelve million tons of raw lignite from the mine every year.Today the New Lakeland, nature reserve and recreation area is emerging here.


Stefan Nöbel-Heise 1997-1998

Open Gallery


Aeronautic and Aerials


All round trips and flights on your request

See you on board at Cessna 172



Open Gallery
IMG_2159 (2)


The Humans project originated 
from a world tour from 2003-2005. 
The idea was to portray at 
least one person from each country, 
starting in Western Europe 
and the USA through Africa, 
Arabia and Asia. 
But because it became more 
and more difficult to attract 
people in recent years due to the vain self-portrayal, 
especially in Central Europe, the project was ended.
Open Gallery
Musicstudends at Leipzig

World pics

A collection of 30 years’ worth of photojournalism: from the beginning in the late 80’s—as a young photographer —until present day. A journey through time.

Scout Journal on Blogspot


Open Gallery
Behållare…Nyköping, Sverige



Finding of various locations to translate a project into action. Obtaining of shooting permission from private persons or authorities. Examination of the locations according to appearances, lighting conditions, acoustics; for film productions positions for technical equipment, water, power sources etc. Photographing and filming and updating of an already known location.



Leipzig / Berlin/  Görlitz / Insel Rügen/ Gdansk / Riga/ Helsinki/ Stockholms Län / Warszawa/ Quedlinburg/

-2023 Mit der Faust in die Welt schlagen (AT) Kinospielfilm Constanze Klaue Flare Film GmbH [de] Assistent der Set-AL

 -2023 Nichts mehr wie es war (AT) TV-Film, ARD , Degeto , MDR diverse Florida Film GmbH Assistent der Set-AL 

 -2023Es geht um Luis (AT) Kinospielfilm Lucia Chiarla ostlicht filmproduktion GmbH

 -2022 Oderbruch TV-Serie, ARD [de], CBS [us], Degeto diverse Syrreal Entertainment GmbH

 -2022Inga Lindström  98/99.- Bavaria Fiction GmbH

- 2022 ...Work in Progress...

- 2021 "ze network" Syrreal Docs Berlin

-2021 "Torstraße 1" X-Filme Görlitz 

-2021 "Reality Game-Show" Banijay Productions at Vorpommern/ Brandenburg/ Mitteldeutschland

-2021 "Letzte Spur Berlin" Odeon Fiction Berlin/ Brandenburg 

-2020 "Army of the Daed Germany" Pantaleon at Quedlinburg

-2020 "Das Quartett" 3+4 Aktzente Leipzig

-2020 "Lipstick on the Glas" indifilm Berlin Uckermark, Rügen, Magdeburg

-2020 "Lichtenauer" Akku Hallerbach Erzgebirge

-2020 "SoKo" Leipzig 435-437

-2019 "Familie mit Hindernissen" Ariane Krampe Filmproduktion

-2019 "Mitra" Baldr Kinofilm

-2018 "Der Tote im Stollen" Der Erzgebirge Krimi NFP Filmproduktion

-2018 "Racko - Ein Hund für alle Fälle" Location Management(Außen / Leipzig) Filmbüro Münchner Freiheit GmbH

-2018 "Bauhaus (aka Eine Frau am Bauhaus)" Zero One Film GmbH

-2018 "Krieger" Wunderwelt Pictures GbR

-2018 "Immenhof - Das Abenteuer eines Sommers" Rich and Famous Film GmbH

-2018 "Der Rebell" Neue Impuls Film GmbH

-2017 "Warum" Mafilm Berlin

-2017 "Wolfsland-der Steinerne Gast"Molina Film in Görlitz

-2017 "Endzeit" Grown Up Films

-2017 "Schattengrund" Constantin Television GmbH im Harz

-2017 "Spot "LG - Q6" Naumann Film GmbH in Leipzig

-2017 "Atempause" Polyphon Film Leipzig Regie: Aelrun Goette

-2016 "Der Hauptmann" Regie Robert Schwentke

-2016 "Katharina Luther" Regie: Julia von Heinz eikon Süd GmbH ARD; BR; SWR; MDR

-2016 Sparkasse Iconoclast Germany GmbH

-2016 Mercedes Benz schwäble+wolf Stuttgart

-2016  "In aller Freundschaft" ARD

- 2016 At Movie set " Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland " Görlitz; Gera; Saalfeld; Weißenfels

-2015 Tatort - Taxi nach Leipzig Cinecentrum Hannover Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH

-2015 Das schweigende Klassenzimmer; Akzente Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH

-2015 Schubert in Love - Vater werden ist nicht schwer; Senator Film Produktion GmbH

-2015 Tatort - Auf einen Schlag; Dresden I Wiedemann & Berg Television GmbH & Co. KG

-2015 Zorn IV - Wie sie töten; Halle / Saale filmkombinat Nordost GmbH & Co. KG

-2015 Vorwärts immer! Crazy Film GmbH & Co.KG

-2015 Das kalte Herz (2015) Schmidtz Katze Filmkollektiv

-2015 Scout  Die Teilacher Sam Garbarski Good Company

-2014 Scout  for "coming out" Ufa Fiction GmbH

-2014Scout in Leipzig Mamapost GmbH Sven Hain corporate video

-2014 Performer: Sebastian Dehnhardt "Zug in die Freiheit" as Colonel

-2014 Performer: Nicolette Krebitz "Wild" as Petseller 2014

-2013 Scout for "Herbert" Departures Film GmbH

-2013 Scout for "Konrad & Katharina" Ziegler Film GmbH

-2013 Scout for "Rockabilly"   Neue Mira Filmproduktion

-2013 Scout for Photographer  Gaby Gerster for Clemens Meyer

- 2012 Location Tour Scout Managenment for Tmic and 14 Reels India

-2010 Von Hunden un Pferden, Short Film, Leipzig. Standfotografie. Departures Film GmbH.

-2010 Oh Jeong Wan Cuz: Korea—a man and a woman. Harzvorland. Location Tour. MDM-Location Scout. Bom Film Production.

-2009 Camera-Assistance. picture & motion Produktions GmbH, Jens Bungies, MDR ARD.

-2008 Scout for "Schwerkraft", Movie, Leipzig/Halle. Written and directed by  Maximilian Erlenwein, FRISBEEFILMS GmbH.

-2008 Scout for "Cybog Jan", TV-Commercial. Location Scout Pre-Production. Moeller. Backeryfilms Hamburg.

-2007 Scout for "Liebeslied", TV-Movie. Directed by Anne Hoegh Krohn, produced by Flying Moon Filmprodproduktion.

-2007 Scout for "Vorwärts Immer", Das kleine Fernsehspiel. ZDF.

Script: Jörg Schneider & Marco Mittelstaedt, Sven S. Poser. Kaminski und Stiehm Film GmbH.

-2006 Scout for "Copacabana"  MDR; ARD; ORF

-2005 Meinhofmovie. Production Scout. By C. Buering NYC. Finding of Locations and Persons in Germany.

-2004 Practical Training at record & play tv. Production: Lutz Knaut. Leipzig

-Photography for press and agency, arial photography.

Since 1991


Individual round trips.

Location services:

-Multivan or Aeroplane,

-Short Trips by Cessna 172 or Helicopter Service

-Pic up Services and Tour Planing.

- Accommondations/ Studios and Rooms


International Scout and Guide:

New York City, Stockholm, Helsinki




Open Gallery
Sam Gabarski Auf wiedersehen Deutschland 2016

Current and Special


Drawings and sketches.

Selection from one of the sketchbooks on a scout tour from Finland to Italy.

These serve to prepare an art exhibition.

© Nöbel-Heise 2022




















Open Gallery



Photographer, aeronaut, location scout

Stefan Nöbel-Heise, born and raised just outside the city of Leipzig. At first he became increasingly interested in the causality of things. In addition to girls, nautical science, mountain sports and diving, he studied early on how to use a Super 8 film camera. This hobby led him to a fascination with the camera, to conserve time. After completing his professional training as a bricklayer, surveyor and chemical worker, he learned the profession of photographer and from then on traveled and lived in the footsteps of Egon-Erwin-Kisch through all corners of the world. Once he orbited the northern hemisphere of our planet, he discovered his interest in aerospace and became a pilot.

by Muriel Tapani






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Stefan Nöbel-Heise,Leipzig, Germany

Tel. 0049 1621629496 /

FA Leipzig 232/25x/xxxx

AGB  Court of juristication Leipzig

Concept & Design: Josse de Bruijne Programming: Mario Helbing

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